As of April 10th, IBM changed their procedures regarding software service and support (S&S) renewals. All IBM software S&S renewals will be sent directly to their clients and not through their business partners. IBM will not offer any discount pricing. If you renew through Effective Data, we will be able to discount your quote for YOUR IBM SOFTWARE S&S RENEWALS.
To take advantage of discount pricing on your renewal please do the following:
When you receive your renewal notification from IBM, please forward the attachment directly to Effective Data at and request we provide you a quote. We will then get you your discounted price quote.
If you know your anniversary date and would like us to remind you about this offer, please send us your renewal date and software information. We will be glad to send you a notice ahead of time.
Again, please remember, you will need to send Effective Data the renewal request attachment from IBM and request us to get you a quote. If you have any questions regarding the IBM renewals, please give us a call at 847-969-9300.