EDI when done correctly should drive your business forward and allow you to increase your Trading Partner interactions, not hinder them. But implementations of EDI when not done correctly can lead to unnecessary costs, errors and setbacks. Let’s examine the best practices for maintaining an error-free EDI flow.
Periodic System Reviews:
- Always test your system thoroughly when introducing updates, onboarding a partner, implementing new software, or switching data formats.
- You should also conduct periodic reviews to ensure your system is running optimally.
- Check with Trading Partners from time to time to confirm their satisfaction levels and to give you a heads up if something is not running as it should.
Start by ensuring you are following proper EDI standards. Also adopting the same EDI standards and data formats as your trading partners will prevent many errors because it helps to align data needs which will greatly aid in finding important information.
Invest in ongoing training for your employees and backup staff. This will ensure they’re well-versed in EDI best practices and equipped to identify and address errors promptly. It also helps to reduce work stress and fatigue.
Frequent Monitoring:
Adapt and implement a monitoring solution that gives you complete visibility into your EDI infrastructure. This ensures you can quickly identify problems before someone else does.
Effective Data has all of this and more so if you would like to learn how you can eliminate or reduce errors, please visit our website at Effective-Data.com or reach out to our account team for assistance.